Wednesday, June 28, 2017

But what does McAdams actually 'believe'?

McAdams is a self-confessed apologist of the Warren Commission Report (WCR).  He says he holds fast to the unlikely tenet that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President Kennedy.  No matter how much evidence is put in front of him he, like a well-trained dog, always comes back home to the WCR.

However, there is a dark side to McAdams.  He doesn't merely apologize for the WCR, he viciously attacks anyone who does not believe it.  He libels them on his group aaj (alt.assassination.jfk) and may try to permanently destroy their credibility.  He may even slither in to become a FaceBook "friend" without that person's knowledge or permission, as he did with me.  Who knows just how far the tentacles of Mad Hatter McAdams go?  Is he an agent of some sort or simply a loose cannon?  Is he simply programmed to follow the instructions of 'credible' people, due to his, for example, possibly being a Catholic?

It is not easy to tell.  However, when McAdams turns full throttle on a CT such as myself, insisting they are "not a threat" while combing through his 100K+ posts for any word that they might have written that he can twist into something negative, we have to acknowledge that we are dealing with someone who is comfortable living in an intellectual gutter.  Who knows what else he is capable of? 

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