Friday, November 25, 2011

Testing an hypothesis -- Is the McAdams smear campaign intended only for Judyth or also for me?

Realizing that the steady grind of false replies to my posts by McAdams, who repeatedly refusies to acknowledge where I am at, then tries to reverse my positions, works to the advantage of the propagandist by developing an environment that encourages and indeed even incites dogpiling, I have made a polite exit from the threads where McAdams is attempting to churn up past issues on Judyth.

Doing so will generate a response.  Most likely, there will be continued false replies by McAdams, attempting to get me to *engage* in arguing on a slanted field.  This time, however, I will be testing out an hypothesis -- namely, that his attacks on me and on my education, not to mention my historical process, have far less to do with Judyth than they do with me.

But why?  What have I ever done that was worthy of a smear campaign?  I am not claiming to be a witness to LHO in NOLA in the summer of 1963.  I am not claiming to have been standing on Main Street on 11.22.63.  How could I possibly represent a threat?

If this hypothesis is true, I should begin to see some definition as to just what is going on in McAdams' mind as he makes hundreds more attack posts.  If it is false, perhaps I will gain some definition of just what McAdams thinks he is really after.

McAdams rejected a post of mine on 12-9 solely because it 'complained' about mod abuse.  This is telling.  Not only did the post define the dual standard on aaj where mod McAdams and ex-mod BJ can post anything they want whereas others are censured, but it numbered McAdams repeated false statements.  Which is the bigger issue?  Trying to keep BJ from being unmasked (too late) or trying to protect himself?

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