Friday, June 30, 2017

Just how far unhinged has "Mad Hatter" McAdams become?

A popular definition of insanity is someone who does the same thing and expects a different response.  Here, in order to counter someone he claims 'is not a threat' (namely me) McAdams has resorted not only to lying about me in existing threads, but searching through his archives and digging up ancient threads and making them look as though they are recent.  The latest of these is the "Baker's Lying Blog" thread, which he excavated on June 28th:!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/KaidGz3oNLw

In that thread he has changed the header to "Pamela's Process" and then posted the usual drivel, apparently hoping one of his trained attack dogs would pitch in and help him.  Instead, those who have replied have simply hijacked the thread. One wished everyone a belated Merry Christmas. Ho.Ho.

Now we have someone intent on twisting my words and then making fun of my reaction -- oh, that would be the  June 8th "Pamela's acknowledge my position nonsense" thread:!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/pamela%7Csort:relevance/alt.assassination.jfk/qPlOUCI001o/GwZNv6iEAQAJ

Last, but not least, we have the "Judyth in Sweden" thread, which was excavated sometime in early June:!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/1VnijHTyWYI%5B251-275%5D

Is this sane behavior, or is this deranged behavior? Why would anyone who treats an adversary in such an unprofessional way (not to mention making themselves a FB "friend" without my knowledge or permission) be considered in any way credible?  I cannot recall when I have seen more bizarre behavior by someone who once was a teacher.  It defies logic.

But, apparently, it's 'just another day' for "Mad Hatter" McAdams…

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

But what does McAdams actually 'believe'?

McAdams is a self-confessed apologist of the Warren Commission Report (WCR).  He says he holds fast to the unlikely tenet that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President Kennedy.  No matter how much evidence is put in front of him he, like a well-trained dog, always comes back home to the WCR.

However, there is a dark side to McAdams.  He doesn't merely apologize for the WCR, he viciously attacks anyone who does not believe it.  He libels them on his group aaj (alt.assassination.jfk) and may try to permanently destroy their credibility.  He may even slither in to become a FaceBook "friend" without that person's knowledge or permission, as he did with me.  Who knows just how far the tentacles of Mad Hatter McAdams go?  Is he an agent of some sort or simply a loose cannon?  Is he simply programmed to follow the instructions of 'credible' people, due to his, for example, possibly being a Catholic?

It is not easy to tell.  However, when McAdams turns full throttle on a CT such as myself, insisting they are "not a threat" while combing through his 100K+ posts for any word that they might have written that he can twist into something negative, we have to acknowledge that we are dealing with someone who is comfortable living in an intellectual gutter.  Who knows what else he is capable of? 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Is McAdams a 'believer'?

In the long and prolonged attacks by McAdams, there is one constant thread -- that of belief.  It appears to be impossible for McAdams to grab a clue that there are people on this planet who do not go around 'believing' things others tell them.  In fact, McAdams seems to be so horrified at this prospect that even when one of the respected aaj members asked him to quit attacking me, McAdams not only did not stop, but brought his attacks into that very thread:!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/PCAs00r1PyY

Surely we can infer by McAdams' obsession with 'belief' that he is, in fact, a 'believer'.  That is, he goes around 'believing' what other people say.  Apparently, this 'belief' system even extends to the lies of the Warren Commission Report.  The WCR, in fact, is just as obvious in flaunting its lies as is Judyth Baker.  I cannot conceive of anything with more obvious sophistry than "The Single-Bullet Theory" which perpetrates every page of the WCR.  It is blatantly false (there were different SBT scenarios, not one 'theory') and twists actual documentation to try to come up with a face-saving device for the WCR. Judyth does no different with actual documentation -- she will twist it and use it to make it look like she was involved.

So, if McAdams is susceptible to 'believing' the WCR, does that mean he is becoming unmasked as actually a 'believer' of Judyth Baker?  If it is inconceivable to him that anyone would not "believe" Judyth, as he claims, what other choice do we have but to wonder if this is true? :-0

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A McAdams attack-tactic -- create a false persona to slander someone who is a threat

McAdams, who claims he does not consider me a threat, is lying.  This is hypocrisy of the worst order, saying and pretending one thing and doing another in a supposedly scholastic environment.  He has attempted to use my keeping an open mind toward Judyth to create an entire false persona of who I am and what I represent on aaj.  He has created an attack-dog mentality in that group, and guess whom they are supposed to attack?  Me.

He makes blatantly false statements and then attempts to attach them to me.  The only thing he doesn't lie about is the spelling of my name.

Here is a thread he started with my name in it.  This is typical attack-McAdams:!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/qPlOUCI001o

This is what he is all about.  Not only dead-ending honest discussion on any topic he doesn't want to see the light of day, but slandering anyone who is able to reason for themselves.

To think that this man earned a living as a trusted prof is very distressing.  How many others have been shut down or even flunked because they dared to speak out on topics he did not want discussed?  How many others have been slandered simply because they were able to reason for themselves and he considered them a threat?  I hate to think. I hope they have all stood up for themselves and done everything in their power to see that he is held accountable for his behavior. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Curiouser and Curiouser…what is McAdams up to on aaj?

While testing my hypothesis that Judyth was intended to be a counterfeit Marina in order to take attention away from the real Marina Oswald who had, during the 80's, recanted her WC testimony by explaining that now that she has read the 27 volumes of the H+E (plus many other books) she is convinced Lee is innocent and did not fire the shots that killed JFK.  She seems to think he was set up -- a patsy -- just like Lee said he was during the brief time he was allowed to live while in captivity.

So, in addition to dragging up all of his old falsehoods about my position on Judyth, which includes creating threads with my name in them, he has now resurrected the 2008 thread "Judyth in Sweden":!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/1VnijHTyWYI%5B251-275%5D.

So far, there have been a few silly replies.  But McAdams seems to be on a mission.  It looks like he is making a public declaration of attempting to get together, in Chicago, of all places, with Barb J and Glenn V.  Cannnot imagine what is going through his mind on this one.  Guess we'll have to wait and see what the Mad Hatter is up to this time...

And then there was the day...

While checking out Facebook, some time ago, I was absolutely dumbfounded to see that I had (at least, that I know of) two "friends" I for certain did not add myself.  Guess who they were?  John McAdams, of all people, and Kris Milligan, Judyth Baker's publisher at Trine Day.

I cannot imagine what is going on at FB if people can be added without the permission of the page owner.  I quickly unfriended them, and have not seen them on the page since.  But how did this happen?  And, even more importantly, why?  :-0

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Why does McAdams lie about this?

One of the biggest falsehoods McAdams and Barb J touted (McAdams still tries to; Barb J has since retired from aaj) is to claim that I said anything other than that Judyth did NOT receive permanent asylum from Sweden.  Why McAdams continues to go around on this is something of a mystery.  He seems to think there is something of value about pushing a falsehood. 

Here is what I said:

"This has been explained to you, Barb and Glenn a hundred times.  There was
never any question that Judyth was NOT granted permanent legal asylum.
She had her hopes up.  It did not happen.  She had to leave Sweden.  It
was devastating.  Afterward she returned on a tourist visa and has been
doing so ever since, for half the year.  Surely you will reject all posts
claiming otherwise."

Saturday, June 10, 2017

McAdams is at it again...

post to aaj…

I am testing the hypothesis that Judyth's intent was to become a counterfeit Marina due to Marina's recanting the central axiom of the WCR, which was that she believed Lee was guilty (and no longer does).  The secondary aspect to this hypothesis is that she and Fetzer were deliberately sowing disinformation that could then be 'debunked' by WC defenders, such as McAdams, and that this was all done deliberately.

The value or lack of this hypothesis will, in part, rest on the reaction of McAdams.  If he is able to discuss this hypothesis on a level field, I would tend to consider that it needs refining.  If, on the other hand, he were to try to come at me at full throttle, so to speak, even to the extent of putting my name in the subject of new threads and regurgitating his misconceptions from the past, I would tend to say that I must be on the right track!

Pamela Brown