McCroskey said:
> Again, you are alleging something you have no evidence for.
Wrong. In Chief Curry's own words, not only did he have to take the phoneoff the hook because of the calls threatening to kill Lee Oswald, but when
he arrived Sunday morning at the Police Dept he was told that a "call had
been received which threatened 'about 100 men are going to take the
prisoner Oswald and we don't want any policemen to be hurt.' " JFK
Assassination File, pp 123-4. McCroskey has no validity in saying Curry
was ignorant of the threats to LHO's life.
> You suspect he let it happen.
> But you suspect a lot of things... some of which, as we have all seen,
> are manifestly ridiculous.
It is McCroskey who seems to prefer to live in a safe little ordered
environment that even forbids the presence of an odd coincidence or two.
Unfortunately, it seems to be from that uncomfortable spot that he
furiously attempts to make sense of the rest of the world that everyone
else inhabits...:-0
> >>
> >> The government is not all-powerful. The people representing the
> >> government's interests in Dallas and the people responsible for Oswald's
> >> safety, were mere humans and therefore fallible.
> >
> > Excuses...LHO could have been moved during the night without any press
> > around.
> >
> Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
> I'll say it again:
> Hindsight is 20/20.
> >>
> >> Sometimes--often, in fact--things happen that do not fit any of the
> >> grand schemes of any of the cabals and forces that would like to and do
> >> indeed try to control the world. The world is a complex and chaotic
> >> system, full of unpredictable elements, such as the whims and desperate
> >> acts of solitary individuals, that can have unimaginable consequences.
> >>
> >
> > And it takes gullible citizens to enable the govt to do whatever it
> > wants...
> >
> Ha ha. You're talking now to someone who has demonstrated against
> government policies, and spent some time in jails in Philly, DC and NYC
> because of that... No, wait, my weekend in the Tombs here was only a
> stop-and-frisk pot bust.
> But what about you?[...]
I speak out about what I think happened and have to put up with
harrassment from all sorts of negative people -- some of whom even send me
threatening emails, if you can imagine that.
McCroskey seems to think he is dealing with some sort of 'amateur', but
that would be a mistake, as I spar daily with all sorts of people and have
done so for quite a long time...
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