Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Monostatos" and "Minnesota" on aaj…plus the tale of the aaj black hole...

A couple of weeks ago I happened to open up a gigantic can of worms on aaj, while simply having a little fun with an odd coincidence:!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/Y1-ZanfSGFo%5B1-25-false%5D

Before long, two crusty posters, McCroskey and Marsh, had taken aim to 'deny, deny, deny' the possibility of there being any possible connection between the two words.  Marsh even went out of the way to create rabbit trails of "Garrison numerology" and "trombones".  McCroskey tried to make a strawman argument out of it, claiming I was pushing some sort of 'religion' and claiming to be some kind of 'musical messiah'.  If it wasn't so pathetic, it might have been funny.

During that same time, we all experienced the storm "Juno" (which perhaps should have instead been called "Amadeus" socking Boston (where Marsh lives) on January 27th, which happens to be Mozart's birthday.  The kicker is that the hardest-hit town, per the Weather Channel, was "Marshfield, MA".  But Marsh and McCroskey refuse to acknowledge the presence of these odd coincidences, and, in fact, seem almost determined to blot out the concept of 'odd coincidences' altogether.  Who knew? :-0

But then, another poster who declared years ago when they walked off the scene in a hissy fit, that they would never reply to my posts again, popped up to take a swing or two in vintage irrational manner.  But when I tried to reply to these posts, my replies have apparently ended up in the aaj/McAdams 'black hole', as they have not appeared in over three days, and no email confirming their rejection has been sent to my account (though I did discover McCroskey had sent a threatening email to that account).

So, in that light, I will be copying my replies to this blog, so at least they will appear somewhere.  :-0

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