On Feb 7, 2015, at 2:45 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
You seem to be missing the point, in that I am warning you from my own experience as to what has happened to many, if not most of those who have libeled me and threatened me as you are doing. That is very different from making a threat. I will promise you that if you continue in this vein, you could end up part of the libel suit. I hope that doesn't happen. That is not my intent in trying to communicate with you.
Who would be suing me, if not you?
*My lawyers, obviously. I am sorry that I feel it necessary to speak in such a harsh vein. However, you seem to have real trouble setting limits and boundaries. I am speaking up to define them.
Or trying to sue me.
I have not libeled you.
*You are in denial if you think that you do not libel me. The latest insinuation on aaj was that I use aliases. That is false and you know it. I may use a handle but I always use my name as well. You have posted on aaj for a long time and have replied to my posts, so you are well aware of this.
*Why do you feel compelled to try to discredit me? Simply because you are dealing with something you can't pidgeonhole and put in a box? What sort of gentleman does that? Only a bully who is unable to argue on level ground would be comfortable with that imo.
I could have let you hoist yourself on your own petard, knowing what I know, and have just made money off of your libelous posts and emails in a libel suit, but I am instead doing what I can to reach out to do what I can to help you understand the seriousness of your actions. You have made statements, even though in ridicule, such as referencing a 'voice from 200 years ago', and 'a musical messiah', which indicate that you do understand what you are doing.
I am totally in the dark about what you believe about a "voice from 200 years ago" or "a musical messiah."
I was describing what you seemed to me you were talking about. I never claimed to understand in detail the alternate reality you have apparently constructed.
*If you had no intent to defame, why do you find it necessary to repeatedly make insinuations and false allegations? Why not let go and move on? Do you know this person I call "Monostatos"? Do you know that person's relative at Marquette U? Do you have a personal connection to this situation in some way? Otherwise, your prolonged attacks make no sense.
*Now you posit an "alternate reality you have apparently constructed" without even bothering to acknowledge the frame of reference for the conversation that I set up right at the start -- namely, that I am talking about an OPERA, The Magic Flute, and discussing possible references and odd coincidences that might be connected to it. Do you even remember that?
That is called an art. You have no room in your mindset, apparently, for the arts, do you? Do you decry movies and TV shows because you alone have determine they are 'not real'? How about theater? Your knee-jerk reaction is to try to block what I am saying. Why not simply acknowledge that you are out of your comfort zone and move on? What will you gain by trying to destroy an opera? It has nothing to do with you.
As a matter of fact, you tossed out your 'diagnosis' of schizophrenia. I was just stunned when I read that. Perhaps you are psychic,
No, but I've read a lot about the subject.
I have also had some personal experience with both so-called schizophrenics and schizophrenic states (though it's been a while).
My favorite philosopher is Gilles Deleuze, who wrote, with Félix Guattari, the two volumes ofCapitalisme et Schizophrenie.
Earlier on, I read, as I said, lots of Jung. Do you know the work of R.D. Laing? Or Kate Millett?
The last thing you want to do is wind up in the clutches of shrink who lobotomizes with meds.
*I do my best to try to help those who take offense and me and what I say. I will do the same for you. You can heed what I say or not.
as that has been the diagnosis of some, including the one still left at the MO, who tried to discredit me and are still living. I don't know what else I can do to be of help to you. I can honestly say that from my standpoint the aisles of Orchestra Hall are already full of the corpses who act as you do. Why would I want there to be any more?
Thanks for your concern, Pamela.
I'll take my chances.
*You have my best wishes...

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