I have had to deal with vicious teachers all my life. Some of them seem to see me coming and take aim right from the start. Others have tried to flatter and then sandbag me. When I was at Bucknell, a lowly English prof (not part of the University Honors program) tried to fail my term paper by claiming, "Nobody could be that smart!" He was unaware of the work I was doing with the UH profs and apparently ignorant of the fact that right under his nose students were actually learning critical thinking. I was sandbagged by others who tried to let me hang my self and failed. One of them presented himself as a mentor. He died tragically and young.
So when I began to post on aaj I had a heads-up as to what might be in store. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that my worst suspicions were becoming true. McAdams was on the attack right from the start. I did not realize early-on that he might be conducting a 'mind control' experiment of some sort in the group, and my insistence on thinking objectively was getting in his way.
But then, in 2003, the axe fell. I decided to keep an open mind to what Judyth Baker had to say until her book came out. At that time, I figured it would be a year or so before that happened -- she had just been featured in a segment of TMWKK, and seemed to have lots of opportunities available to her. But that was not to be the case. After seven roller coaster years her authorized book Me and Lee was finally published. By that time I was exhausted and wanted never to hear from her again. I had already witnessed first hand her vicious treatment of anyone who questioned her credibility. This to me raised a huge flag in terms of her own credibility -- if she was what she said she was, why would she not be gracious to everyone reaching out to help her, anticipating the battle zone of questions she would inevitably encounter. She was, after all, out to unseat Marina, long the most celebrated person in the assassination still alive.
But McAdams could have worked with my thesis. He could have let me be. He would have found that I was able to demonstrate things in such a way that others would quickly realize for themselves what she was doing to evidence. They could have then gently persuaded anyone tempted to *believe* her story to simply listen with an open mind instead. But McAdams' venom increased. He used other *credible* researchers, including an unethical ex-mod, to attack not only me, but my limo website, my scholastic achievements and my writing ability. They seemed convinced that I could be discredited and silenced. But, as my Mother would say, if that is what they thought they would quickly find 'they had another think coming'. Now McAdams is at last taking responsibility for this vicious treatment of his colleagues. Hopefully, if there is any silencing, it will be of his attacks.
And so, after 12 years of harassment I am adding McAdams to the list of those who have attacked me not only as an historian but as a musician. This is the group I call "Monostatos". He may know the central figure of "Monostatos" as their family member is also a prof at MU. There may be a concerted effort or not -- I do not know.
It would be interesting to find out...
So when I began to post on aaj I had a heads-up as to what might be in store. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that my worst suspicions were becoming true. McAdams was on the attack right from the start. I did not realize early-on that he might be conducting a 'mind control' experiment of some sort in the group, and my insistence on thinking objectively was getting in his way.
But then, in 2003, the axe fell. I decided to keep an open mind to what Judyth Baker had to say until her book came out. At that time, I figured it would be a year or so before that happened -- she had just been featured in a segment of TMWKK, and seemed to have lots of opportunities available to her. But that was not to be the case. After seven roller coaster years her authorized book Me and Lee was finally published. By that time I was exhausted and wanted never to hear from her again. I had already witnessed first hand her vicious treatment of anyone who questioned her credibility. This to me raised a huge flag in terms of her own credibility -- if she was what she said she was, why would she not be gracious to everyone reaching out to help her, anticipating the battle zone of questions she would inevitably encounter. She was, after all, out to unseat Marina, long the most celebrated person in the assassination still alive.
But McAdams could have worked with my thesis. He could have let me be. He would have found that I was able to demonstrate things in such a way that others would quickly realize for themselves what she was doing to evidence. They could have then gently persuaded anyone tempted to *believe* her story to simply listen with an open mind instead. But McAdams' venom increased. He used other *credible* researchers, including an unethical ex-mod, to attack not only me, but my limo website, my scholastic achievements and my writing ability. They seemed convinced that I could be discredited and silenced. But, as my Mother would say, if that is what they thought they would quickly find 'they had another think coming'. Now McAdams is at last taking responsibility for this vicious treatment of his colleagues. Hopefully, if there is any silencing, it will be of his attacks.
And so, after 12 years of harassment I am adding McAdams to the list of those who have attacked me not only as an historian but as a musician. This is the group I call "Monostatos". He may know the central figure of "Monostatos" as their family member is also a prof at MU. There may be a concerted effort or not -- I do not know.
It would be interesting to find out...
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