Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bud tackles Pamela's "terrible" ideas…aaj reply

On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 6:34:00 PM UTC-6, Bud wrote:
> On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 11:04:19 PM UTC-5, David Von Pein wrote:
> > On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 11:49:30 AM UTC-5, bigdog wrote:
> > > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 4:00:54 PM UTC-5, Bud wrote:
> > > > On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 9:06:19 PM UTC-5, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > > > > On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > > > > > On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> > > > > > > "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> > > > > > > where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> > > > > > > opinion is not well received.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> > > > > > > for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> > > > > > > posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> > > > > > > worry about getting approval from John.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> > > > > > McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> > > > > > let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.
> > > > >
> > > > > In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for
> > > > > how to bully dissenters.
> > > >
> > > >   If one were inclined to spin information to suit themselves.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > He allows his minions to
> > > > > > call me a liar, but forbids me from calling anyone a liar.
> > > > >
> > > > > Well, the WC defenders are the 'more equal animals'.  The dissenters have
> > > > > to live with that.
> > > >
> > > >   Our ideas are superior to yours, we have what we need to support Oswald`s
> > > > guilt, you have nothing to contest it.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > >One of your
> > > > > > guys wanted to have McAdams BAN me because I pointed out that he was wrong
> > > > > > about something.
> > > > >
> > > > > Sometimes it can be frustrating keeping those WC defender blinders firmly
> > > > > in place.
> > > >
> > > >   I`ve never seen anything presented by a conspiracy believer that
> > > > challenges the WC conclusions. You have to have something to offer besides
> > > > blanks.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > The irony, to me, is that is should not matter if one is a WC defender or
> > > > > dissenter. What matters is that one is able to posit a cogent argument
> > > > > about their position.
> > > >
> > > >   Make one, I dare you.
> > > >
> > > > > The slant McAdams imposes on this field seems to
> > > > > preclude that.  As a result, it is tough for a discussion to move forward.
> > > >
> > > >   You assume the destination has not been reached. Thats your mistake. The
> > > > real reason conspiracy hobbyist go nowhere is because there really is
> > > > nowhere for them to go. Their article of faith is that Oswald was a patsy
> > > > and that is what keeps them from making progress.
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > > > The emphasis is on discrediting the dissenter.
> > > >
> > > >   The bad arguments are known. The people who make the bad arguments are
> > > > known. They might put a new spin on the same weak offerings but it`s just
> > > > a different cut off the same dead horse.
> > > >
> > > > > Of course, anyone who has no choice but to resort to fallacy is
> > > > > demonstrating a very weak position.  So, we can infer that McAdams has had
> > > > > to create a slanted field on aaj because he knows LHO did not act alone,
> > > > > if at all, in the assassination.
> > > >
> > > >   Put a plausible scenario on the table that explains what is in evidence
> > > > but Oswald is innocent. I haven`t seen one.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > If there is a silver lining, perhaps this is it.
> > > >
> > > >   You see things in a way you are comfortable with, reality be damned.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Pamela Brown
> > > > >
> > >
> > > Nobody on this forum gets straight to the point more concisely than Bud.
> >
> > Amen to that. I've said the same thing in the past about Bud.
>   As uncomfortable as I am with praise I suppose that it is true that one
> thing I picked up doing this for over ten years has been to try to present
> my ideas clearly and concisely (I think coming across Joe Zircon`s posts
> in the archives had a lot to do with it). I`ve found that if you don`t hit
> CTers directly between the eyes with an idea they are likely to miss your
> point. Of course there are those like Tony Marsh who will almost always
> deliberately miss your point no matter how you phrase it. Thats what makes
> Pamela such a good opponent, there is no guile or deceit, she doesn`t hide
> her terrible ideas because she doesn`t realize how bad they are.

This has to be about the most interesting criticism I have received so far.  I would like to know just which of my *bad ideas* is *terrible*?  Let me give you a few to work with...

1 -- There is nothing to substantiate LHO being involved in intelligence work.  In fact, what is demonstrated is that he was a traitor...

2 -- If LHO had lived to go to trial and be found guilty by due process, I would not question the jury's decision.

3 -- There is so little damage to the limo that it is virtually impossible to connect this to what would have occurred had LHO in the SN with the old M/C with its skewed site been the cause.

4 -- Because the SS had the limo for 12 hours after the assassination prior to turning it over to the FBI for a forensic exam, there is every reason to question the validity of the *evidence* they and the FBI later found...

> > Here are seven of Bud's concise gems from the past....
> >
> > -----------------------
> >
> > "When kooks look at the evidence, anything involving Oz's culpability is
> > "almost, but not quite". He can almost make this shot, but not quite. He
> > can almost make it downstairs from the 6th floor in time to encounter
> > Baker, but not quite. He can almost make it to 10th & Patton from the
> > boardinghouse in time to shoot Tippit, but not quite. So close, but yet so
> > far, as kooks judge things." -- Bud; June 18, 2006
> >
> > ---------------------
> >
> > "Way too much attention has been given to conspiracy theorists and Warren
> > Commission critics. CTer [web] sites aren't worth reading because they
> > have nothing to say. Once you question that Oswald shot Kennedy, you've
> > identified yourself as someone not worth listening to." -- Bud; July 16,
> > 2010
> >
> > ---------------------
> >
> > "Correcting kooks is a full time job that not many are willing to take on.
> > I'm not, that's for sure. .... Ultimately, kooks will believe what they
> > want to believe." -- Bud; January 15, 2006
> >
> > ---------------------
> >
> > "Obsessing about conspiracy, and seeing evidence of conspiracies
> > everywhere, has become a major part of many people's lives. .... None of
> > these things have anything to do with whether Oz took his rifle to work
> > and shot JFK. I could give far more examples of unstable human beings
> > doing unstable things than you could ever produce examples of
> > conspiracies." -- Bud; August 23, 2004
> >
> > ----------------------
> >
> > "If there is a suspicious fire, the kooks would investigate the firemen
> > who respond, and ignore the guy with the wicked grin that smells of
> > gasoline." -- Bud; November 22, 2007
> >
> > ----------------------
> >
> > "Keep heaping those witnesses on. A cast of thousands, cutting across all
> > walks of life, all working against the poor patsy, all quiet to this day.
> > Just because it can't happen won't stop kooks from insisting it did." --
> > Bud; August 11, 2007
> >
> > ----------------------
> >
> > "There is almost as much evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy as there is
> > evidence that Kennedy got shot." -- Bud; July 21, 2010
> >
> > ----------------------
> >
> > 17 more from Bud here.....
> >
> >!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4%5B76-100%5D

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

McAdams and McCroskey -- the libel needs to stop…please...

Prof. John McAdams has continuously libeled me on his usenet group alt.assassination.jfk, hosted by Marquette University servers, by misrepresenting my position on Judyth Baker for over 12 years.  While I explained that I was keeping an open mind until her book came out, he instead insisted that I *believed* her. He has done this, it would seem, with deliberate ill intent.  I sincerely hope I am mistaken and that he will apologize on aaj.

Not long ago one of his minions, Sandy McCroskey also libeled me by claiming on "aaj" that I operate covertly under various alias, which is entirely false. Some years ago I did use SS handles for  limousines used in the JFK administration (SS100X, SS297X) for email addresses (the Presidential Limousine SS100X is my area of specialty in JFK assassination research), but  whenever I used an email address to post to aaj I also included my name. The current mailbox I subscribe to aaj with is "Pamelajfk".   Mr. McCroskey knows this, as he has been posting on aaj almost as long as I have. Mr. McCroskey has also sent me threatening emails apparently intended to silence me.

Andrew Patner was another who libeled me on the Slipped Disc blog last summer in an illogical rant.  This is his obit:

I already mentioned to Sandy that sometimes it seems to me the aisles of Orchestra Hall are already filled with the corpses of those who have done what they are doing.  His response was, "I'll take my chances." Who want there to be any more? Please...

Sandy struggles with English language usage again…:-0

>Sandy M. says:

> I made no allusion to literature. Do you think, perhaps, that Frank L.
> Baum invented the scarecrow?
> A scarecrow is a straw man. My figure of speech is obvious and shouldn't
> require any pondering.
I say:

Only in Sandy's world.  In the real world, though both may have 'straw' in common, they are used in completely different contexts -- one to scare crows away in a field, the other to represent a false argument (or an argument made of chaff).

Sandy did not create this odd coincidence for this thread -- he has apparently used it at least as early as 2010, as evidenced from another thread.

So, we can deduce from Sandy's statements that he can see no difference between a scarecrow and a strawman argument.!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/5G8z8oLx4Qs%5B1-25%5D

Sunday, February 22, 2015

McAdams' libel of me re my position on Judyth Baker makes him officially a proxy for "Monostatos"

I have had to deal with vicious teachers all my life. Some of them seem to see me coming and take aim right from the start.  Others have tried to flatter and then sandbag me.  When I was at Bucknell, a lowly English prof (not part of the University Honors program) tried to fail my term paper by claiming, "Nobody could be that smart!"  He was unaware of the work I was doing with the UH profs and apparently ignorant of the fact that right under his nose students were actually learning critical thinking. I was sandbagged by others who tried to let me hang my self and failed.  One of them presented himself as a mentor.  He died tragically and young.

So when I began to post on aaj I had a heads-up as to what might be in store.  Unfortunately, I quickly realized that my worst suspicions were becoming true.  McAdams was on the attack right from the start.  I did not realize early-on that he might be conducting a 'mind control' experiment of some sort in the group, and my insistence on thinking objectively was getting in his way.

But then, in 2003, the axe fell.  I decided to keep an open mind to what Judyth Baker had to say until her book came out.  At that time, I figured it would be a year or so before that happened -- she had just been featured in a segment of TMWKK, and seemed to have lots of opportunities available to her.  But that was not to be the case.  After seven roller coaster years her authorized book Me and Lee was finally published.  By that time I was exhausted and wanted never to hear from her again.  I had already witnessed first hand her vicious treatment of anyone who questioned her credibility.  This to me raised a huge flag in terms of her own credibility -- if she was what she said she was, why would she not be gracious to everyone reaching out to help her, anticipating the battle zone of questions she would inevitably encounter.  She was, after all, out to unseat Marina, long the most celebrated person in the assassination still alive.

But McAdams could have worked with my thesis.  He could have let me be.  He would have found that I was able to demonstrate things in such a way that others would quickly realize for themselves what she was doing to evidence.  They could have then gently persuaded anyone tempted to *believe* her story to simply listen with an open mind instead.  But McAdams' venom increased.  He used other *credible* researchers, including an unethical ex-mod, to attack not only me, but my limo website, my scholastic achievements and my writing ability.  They seemed convinced that I could be discredited and silenced.  But, as my Mother would say, if that is what they thought they would quickly find 'they had another think coming'.  Now McAdams is at last taking responsibility for this vicious treatment of his colleagues.  Hopefully, if there is any silencing, it will be of his attacks.

And so, after 12 years of harassment I am adding McAdams to the list of those who have attacked me not only as an historian but as a musician.  This is the group I call "Monostatos".  He may know the central figure of "Monostatos" as their family member is also a prof at MU.  There may be a concerted effort or not -- I do not know.

It would be interesting to find out...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Just what is the McAdams Experiment on alt.assassination.jfk…my thoughts as of today...

After coming through yet another week of war on aaj with McAdams over my position and process on Judyth I feel that I might finally have some insights that might sense.  In my case, McAdams tries to make use of repeated false statements.  He seems to think that by repeating them, they will carry some extra weight, or do something special.  My guess is that this repetition is supposed to trigger other posters who *believe* him to dog pile on me.  They could, in fact, be 'dog piling cues.'  If that were to be the case, it opens the door to the possibility that aaj is supposed to be some sort of 'mind control' forum, where there is one leader, a *credible* person, with a title, who is supposed to lead the others into *correct* thinking.  When it comes to the JFK assassination, of course, the *correct* thinking is to support the WCR.  When it comes to Judyth, the *correct* thinking is to label her a liar and a fraud.

The purpose of these "dog pile cues" is apparently to indicate to the rest of the pack just who the target is.  In this case, it happens to be a woman (the only one currently posting there, and we can imagine why :-0) who happens to be an historian with a different perspective than a poli psy prof…apparently, there can only be on perspective in aaj, and mine is not acceptable…perhaps because it interferes with the experiment, I'm not sure at this point…

aaj posters, in general, seem trained to turn on any dissenter to the WCR and call them a 'kook' or 'insane'.  This seems to go with the territory.  Then, a poster is only rewarded if they allow McAdams to do their thinking for them.  If not, they are put under attack.  Not only that, their posts are delayed.  Sometimes they fall into a black hole.  At other times they will be formally rejected, with an email stating 'why'.

So now I am starting to wonder what, if any, connection there is to the McAdams experiment on aaj to what actually happened during the assassination?  If we can start with the axiom that McAdams lies, and that he is pushing an agenda which he knows to be a lie, we  might start heading down a road toward the possibility that McAdams is trying to, in effect, create 'man can's' (borrowed from Manchurian Candidate) who will blindly attack whomever he tells them to.  If that is the case, we might also ask a corollary question -- is this being done to deflect attention from the possibility that the same thing was done with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963?  I'm starting to wonder…:-0

McAdams' 'platitudes of persuasion' re Judyth…or how to create and maintain a slanted field...

From the moment I agreed to keep an open mind to what Judyth had to say until her book was published, McAdams has targeted me.  The most telling evidence of this is his refusal to acknowledge my position.  Not just then -- even today, 12 years later.  McAdams likes to complain about someone other than himself being a 'slow learner'.  But the evidence shows that it is he who has not only been *slow* to learn my position, but has, in fact, deliberately and with ill intent refused to do so.

Why would this be the case?  I cannot, of course, speak my mind on aaj or my post would be rejected.  That is part of the McAdams' experiment -- that he and he alone can chose what is posted to the group or not.  So I can't call him a liar perpetrating a fraud on aaj -- but I can speak my mind here, and if that interpretation is what comes to mind after reading my posts, I would say, 'run with it.'

McAdams seems to be thinking he has some sort of 'power' over me -- that by repeating false statements they will then become 'fact' and or cause me to stumble.  What they do cause me to do is fight back.

Here is the latest interchange.  Following my reply to McAdams inanity I will put him in a time-out.  I think 12 years is long enough...

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 4:25:41 PM UTC-6, John McAdams wrote:
> On 19 Feb 2015 17:18:37 -0500, Pamela Brown
> wrote:
> >On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 8:01:27 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> >> On 2/18/2015 1:41 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> >>
> >> > And how does research on Judyth fit into this?  What if McAdams had
> >> > allowed her a really level field?  Would she then hoist herself
> >>
> >> Please tell us exactly what research McAdams has ever done on Judyth.
> >
> >I did not intend to imply that McAdams has himself done research on
> >Judyth.  I meant that if he knew to his own satisfaction that she was
> >indeed a fraud and a liar and wanted to make sure he allowed her to
> >demonstrate that to everyone else,
> But she *had* demonstrated it everybody else, Pamela.

To whom had she demonstrated this?  To the choir at aaj?  What about the rest of the world?

If you did not consider Judyth a threat,  why maintain a website using a draft of a manuscript acquired under the table?  Why use a photo without her permission after she complained? Why not update it with information from sources she has authorized, such as her current books? Why not treat her with respect and let her hang herself, as the false Anastasia, Anna Anderson, did?

> Except you wouldn't accept that.

What I wouldn't accept was that that dogpiling was sufficient.

>ctored and hounded and tried to shut down discussion of
> Judyth until *you* decided she was a fraud.

False.  I had an agreement with Judyth to keep an open mind until her book came out. I still do not label Judyth a fraud. I share my experiences at my Finding Judyth blog and ask that others think things through for themselves.
> You couldn't accept that people had the right to express opinions that
> *you* didn't like.

Attempting to use a position of influence to turn aaj posters into attack dogs does not to me equate to *expressing opinions*, imo. If anything, it seems to equate more to intellectual oppression.
> Who do you think you are?

An historian testing a process.
> >it would behoove him to treat her with
> >the utmost respect, because then she would have nothing to complain about
> >and would effectively hoist herself with her own petard in front of the
> >research community.  McAdams would come off smelling like a rose.
> >
> It was obvious from almost the first that she was a fraud.

Simply labeling Judyth a liar and a fraud did not stop her moving forward or finding new *believers*.  Dogpiling was not an effective strategy imo. Something different was needed.  A Wolffschanze, so to speak.
> The fact that you took a long time to realize that is not my fault,
> nor the fault of any of her critics.

I kept an open mind from 2003 to 2010 when Judyth's book was published. That was my agreement with her.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/world$20gone$20mad/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/-eobWoCbrv4J

Pamela Brown

Friday, February 20, 2015

A sincerely-deluded McAdams attack dog? :-0

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 9:32:28 PM UTC-6, Bud wrote:
> On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 10:22:23 AM UTC-5, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 3:00:54 PM UTC-6, Bud wrote:
> > > On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 9:06:19 PM UTC-5, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > > > On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > > > > On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> > > > > > "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> > > > > > where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> > > > > > opinion is not well received.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> > > > > > for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> > > > > > posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> > > > > > worry about getting approval from John.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> > > > > McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> > > > > let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.
> > > >
> > > > In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for
> > > > how to bully dissenters.
> > >
> > >   If one were inclined to spin information to suit themselves.
> >
> > Or if one did not realize that they had been trained to do so...
>   You flatter yourself that you are clever enough to see through such things.

It's not a matter of 'seeing through such things'.  It is a matter of looking at all information objectively.  Anyone can do that.

>That alone should tell you something.

Tell me what?  That I have a different opinion than you do?
> > >
> > >
> > > > > He allows his minions to
> > > > > call me a liar, but forbids me from calling anyone a liar.
> > > >
> > > > Well, the WC defenders are the 'more equal animals'.  The dissenters have
> > > > to live with that.
> > >
> > >   Our ideas are superior to yours, we have what we need to support Oswald`s
> > > guilt, you have nothing to contest it.
> > >
> > >
> > > > >One of your
> > > > > guys wanted to have McAdams BAN me because I pointed out that he was wrong
> > > > > about something.
> > > >
> > > > Sometimes it can be frustrating keeping those WC defender blinders firmly
> > > > in place.
> > >
> > >   I`ve never seen anything presented by a conspiracy believer that
> > > challenges the WC conclusions. You have to have something to offer besides
> > > blanks.
> >
> > This statement proves my point for me.  Thanks.
>   You seemed to be struggling, thought you could use the help.

How can anyone *believe* the "WC conclusions* when even their star witness, Marina Oswald, recanted after reading the 26 vols of H+E?
> > >
> > >
> > > > The irony, to me, is that is should not matter if one is a WC defender or
> > > > dissenter. What matters is that one is able to posit a cogent argument
> > > > about their position.
> > >
> > >   Make one, I dare you.
> >
> > LHO was not seen with the M-C after he put it in Ruth Paine's station
> > wagon for the trip from NOLA to Dallas.
>   OJ was *never* seen with the knife he almost decapitated his wife with.

Your opinion.  You are entitled.  That OJ was guilty was not what the criminal trial found. Does that mean you are not in agreement with due process?
> >  Based on the information
> > available, I don't think you can connect him to it at the TSBD.
> >
> > Your turn.
>   You mean I can`t connect Oswald`s rifle to Oswald`s work? On the day he
> happened to carry a long paper covered object to work, an act he denied?

No, an act Frazier denied by his statement about the size of the bag.  The size of the paper bag was inconsistent with that of the M-C even broken down.  So how did LHO get the M-C into the TSBD?

> You`ll offer a mix of denial and weak excuses, so I`ll save you from your
> turn.
I did not...

>   And so you know, you didn`t offer a cogent argument, you offered
> hobbyist trading card number 3,792. Hobbyists have been churning these
> things out for decades trying to muster support for the terrible idea that
> Oswald was a patsy.

LHO SAID he was a patsy. Do you deny that?

>This is just one of the blanks I was referring to, the
> only thing you are establishing is your own desperation, nothing about
> what occurred.
> > > > The slant McAdams imposes on this field seems to
> > > > preclude that.  As a result, it is tough for a discussion to move forward.
> > >
> > >   You assume the destination has not been reached. Thats your mistake.
> >
> >
> > I disagree. I don't see how anyone can believe the WCR.  Even Marina,
> > their star witness, recanted once she read the 26 vol H+E.
>   What does that even mean?

Marina Oswald, was sequestered by the SS until after she gave her testimony to the WC.  At that time, she said she thought Lee was guilty.  Years later she read the 26 vol. H+E and changed her mind.  Based on all the information available, she felt that he was innocent.  She has maintained that position.
> > So, start from
> > scratch without using it and then tell us what your 'destination' is.
>   Yes, the hobbyist approach, throw out relevant information and then
> proceed.

I am including information that perhaps you were unaware of.
> > The
> > > real reason conspiracy hobbyist go nowhere is because there really is
> > > nowhere for them to go.
> >
> > The WCR begins and ends with the idea that LHO acted alone.  That is
> > called circular reasoning.  That is a fallacy.  That is a good example of
> > a dead end.
>   Thinking doesn`t occur in a vacuum, it never starts at zero. The Dallas
> police knew they had the right man day one, how could they not? How could
> anyone not?

I remember the hours after the assassination and the tumult over LHO.  Everyone wanted an answer.  Most everyone thought he was guilty, even if just from the raised-fist salute at the Texas Theater and the ever present smirk.  But a lynchmob mentality was Un-American, or so it seemed at the time.  He would go to trial and everything would be sorted out there.

But then he was shot before our eyes. LHO did not live to stand trial in a court of law.  If he had, he would have been technically innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers. Unless he pled guilty, evidence from both sides would have been presented.  Had that happened and he had been found guilty, I would not be having this conversation with you.  I accept the verdict of Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City Bombing. I would have done the same with LHO.  I ask questions about LHO because he was killed before trial.
> > >Their article of faith is that Oswald was a patsy
> > > and that is what keeps them from making progress.
> >
> > Untrue.  I start with the question, 'what part, if any, did LHO play?'
>   And there is where you will stay until the end of your days. And that is
> what you want.
I want the whole truth.  And I don't want anyone to do my thinking for me.  I have to discover it for myself.
> > >  
> > > > The emphasis is on discrediting the dissenter.
> > >
> > >   The bad arguments are known. The people who make the bad arguments are
> > > known. They might put a new spin on the same weak offerings but it`s just
> > > a different cut off the same dead horse.
> >
> > That statement more accurately describes the WC defender position.
>   Not at all. We haven`t sat around trying to figure out how what is in
> evidence can exist and Oswald be innocent, that is game played solely by
> conspiracy hobbyists.

Not entirely accurate.  There are WC defenders, such as Sandy M, who regularly make up conspiracy theories for the CTs and try to get them to answer to them.  So that can complicate things.

>But you can`t put a compelling "Oswald was innocent"
> scenario on the table despite these efforts.
LHO was, by his own words, a traitor.  He was a marked man when he returned to the US.  His Marines discharge had been downgraded.  He probably fired at Gen. Walker and moved to NOLA so the FBI couldn't find him.

I do not think LHO was an innocent. I don't see how he fired the shots with an old rifle he had not used since NOLA while doing so little damage to the limo.  That speaks volumes to me.  That is just my opinion.

Because LHO set of alarms in the intelligence agencies of three countries during the last months of his life (USSR, US and Cuba) whatever he did or did not do, I do not think he acted alone, if for no other reason than that so many people let him slip through the cracks.
> > >
> > > > Of course, anyone who has no choice but to resort to fallacy is
> > > > demonstrating a very weak position.  So, we can infer that McAdams has had
> > > > to create a slanted field on aaj because he knows LHO did not act alone,
> > > > if at all, in the assassination.
> > >
> > >   Put a plausible scenario on the table that explains what is in evidence
> > > but Oswald is innocent. I haven`t seen one.
> > >
> >
> > I don't have to.
>   Nor can you.

He was not found guilty in a court of law.  You have your opinion and I have mine.
> >  All I need to do is demonstrate that LHO did not act
> > alone.  He set off alarms in the intelligence agencies of three countries
> > -- the US, USSR and Cuba.  That is all documented.  That destroys the
> > thesis of the WCR.
>   No, these blanks have no impact at all on the WC`s findings.

The WC created a comfortable myth for the citizens at the time.  It did not use due process. So you agree with their opinions.  I am not persuaded.

>There are
> just noise produced by hobbyists when they are challenged to produce
> something tangible. "alarms" mean nothing.

The WCR was a pragmatic document for its time.  The HSCA came to a different conclusion.  Neither used due process, so it is all a matter of opinion.  You are persuaded.  I am not.
> > >
> > > > If there is a silver lining, perhaps this is it.
> > >
> > >   You see things in a way you are comfortable with, reality be damned.
> >
> > That's how I see the corner the WC defenders back themselves into.  They
> > just don't realize it because they are not being trained to think for
> > themselves imo.
>   I didn`t need the WC at all, I would have figured out the guilty party
> had that body never been formed. It`s a simple crime actually, as long as
> you don`t cling in desperation to the idea that Oswald was a patsy.

LHO said he thought he was used as a patsy because everyone knew he had defected to USSR.
Whether he was or not, he did make a good candidate for a fall guy imo.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/world$20gone$20mad$20/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/-eobWoCbrv4J

Pamela Brown

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Release all the files! aaj reply...

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 11:20:22 PM UTC-6, cmikes wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 11:24:09 AM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > On 2/16/2015 8:53 PM, Mark Florio wrote:
> > > On Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 11:00:21 PM UTC-6, bigdog wrote:
> > >> On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:41:01 PM UTC-5, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > >>> It's amazing how the WC defenders will attack conspiracy believers for
> > >>> asking for the files to be released.
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >> Funny, I don't recall seeing one of those attacks. Maybe you can point me
> > >> to it.
> > >
> > > It's amazing what a short memory you have.  We talked about this not many
> > > months ago.  I think I speak for all LN's on here:  Release the files, all
> > > of them.  The sooner the better.  Mark Florio.
> > >
> >
> >
> > No, you don't. Most WC defenders do not want all the files released.
> > You've never filed an FOIA request.
> [Citation needed] And never forthcoming.  I'm on record supporting the
> release of all the files purely for historical value.

Have you ever been to NARA?  Have you ever been vetted for trying to get to information they don't want you to have?  In the case of the JFK assassination, history is alive.  It is not over yet.
> That it wold also shut up a lot of the conspiracy theorists is purely a
> secondary consideration.

Getting to the truth would definitely help everyone.  With so much withheld and redacted, that is not easy to do.  CTs tend to stumble because they don't have all the facts. They did so in the timeline of what happened to the limousine after the assassination until I published the Vaughn Ferguson memo, which NARA had sent to me by mistake. When Marsh asked for a copy of it, they told him it was still being suppressed.  Marsh showed them my copy and they went 'whoops' and released it without the date, so that nobody would know just when the memo was written.

I, for one, would not even be on this quest if LHO had been allowed to live to stand trial.  If he had been proven guilty through due process I would have accepted that, just as I accept the guilt of Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombings.  I have sat on a jury in a criminal case.  I know how the system works.  It does work.  We were denied that with LHO.  Therefore, I have a lot of questions.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/a$20world$20gone$20mad$20to$20a$20teaparty/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/wT2gmENv3Q4J

Pamela Brown

Why didn't McAdams use this strategy with Judyth on aaj?

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 8:01:27 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> On 2/18/2015 1:41 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 10:27:16 AM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> >> On 2/17/2015 9:06 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> >>> On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> >>>> On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> >>>>> "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> >>>>> where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> >>>>> opinion is not well received.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> >>>>> for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> >>>>> posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> >>>>> worry about getting approval from John.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> >>>> McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> >>>> let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.
> >>>
> >>> In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for
> >>> how to bully dissenters.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Maybe it is just a CIA training exercise.[...]
> >
> > To what end?  Simply to deny a truly open forum for the discussion of the
> > JFK assassination or something more complex, such as trying to train
> > people to think that if they question authority they are a loonie?
> >
> I am not allowed to tell you the name of the program, but you can find it
> on the Internet if you know where to look.

Thanks.  I may have tracked it down.

>The CIA developed a program to
> send disinformation agents into Usenet newsgroups to "guide" the
> discussions and deny CIA activities.

If that could be *proven*, which of course it cannot, as all-things-CIA are secret, doing such a thing would put them smack in the middle of not only the cover-up, but the assassination.

> > And how does research on Judyth fit into this?  What if McAdams had
> > allowed her a really level field?  Would she then hoist herself
> Please tell us exactly what research McAdams has ever done on Judyth.

I did not intend to imply that McAdams has himself done research on Judyth.  I meant that if he knew to his own satisfaction that she was indeed a fraud and a liar and wanted to make sure he allowed her to demonstrate that to everyone else, it would behoove him to treat her with the utmost respect, because then she would have nothing to complain about and would effectively hoist herself with her own petard in front of the research community.  McAdams would come off smelling like a rose.

> Did
> HE find her letter to President Kennedy? Did HE get her college records
> under cover of her trying to transfer credits to his college?

No, you did that.
> > onto/by/with her own petard?  If McAdams, with his influence here, had
> > treated her with the utmost respect, and she turned on him with nothing
> > tangible to complain about (no pilfered manuscript, no photo used without
> > her permission, etc...) how persuasive would that have been for everyone?
> > Would that have helped or hurt his cause?
> >
> Why should anyone have treated her with ANY respect?

It's called unmasking Marsh.

Besides, if you know Judyth, you realize that she takes advantage of every single misstep she can trick anyone into making.  If someone does something in the LEAST unethical, she screams and yells at high volume.  The only alternative is to make sure you treat her with the utmost respect, so that when she tries to complain about you, you can remind her of that.  That gives less power to her imo.  She is just waving in the wind with nobody to blame but herself.
> Is that the old proverb about catching more flies with honey than with
> vinegar?

No, it's a matter of waging war, Marsh.  Its a strategy for dealing with your worst enemies.
> No thanks, I don't want her flies.
> > Pamela Brown
> >
> >

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Another McAdams Minion Puts their 2 cents in….

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 3:00:54 PM UTC-6, Bud wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 9:06:19 PM UTC-5, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > > On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> > > > "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> > > > where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> > > >
> > > > Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> > > > opinion is not well received.
> > > >
> > > > The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> > > > for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> > > > posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> > > >
> > > > Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> > > > worry about getting approval from John.
> > > >
> > >
> > > But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> > > McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> > > let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.
> >
> > In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for
> > how to bully dissenters.
>   If one were inclined to spin information to suit themselves.

Or if one did not realize that they had been trained to do so...
> > > He allows his minions to
> > > call me a liar, but forbids me from calling anyone a liar.
> >
> > Well, the WC defenders are the 'more equal animals'.  The dissenters have
> > to live with that.
>   Our ideas are superior to yours, we have what we need to support Oswald`s
> guilt, you have nothing to contest it.
> > >One of your
> > > guys wanted to have McAdams BAN me because I pointed out that he was wrong
> > > about something.
> >
> > Sometimes it can be frustrating keeping those WC defender blinders firmly
> > in place.
>   I`ve never seen anything presented by a conspiracy believer that
> challenges the WC conclusions. You have to have something to offer besides
> blanks.

This statement proves my point for me.  Thanks.
> > The irony, to me, is that is should not matter if one is a WC defender or
> > dissenter. What matters is that one is able to posit a cogent argument
> > about their position.
>   Make one, I dare you.

LHO was not seen with the M-C after he put it in Ruth Paine's station wagon for the trip from NOLA to Dallas.  Based on the information available, I don't think you can connect him to it at the TSBD.

Your turn.

> > The slant McAdams imposes on this field seems to
> > preclude that.  As a result, it is tough for a discussion to move forward.
>   You assume the destination has not been reached. Thats your mistake.

I disagree. I don't see how anyone can believe the WCR.  Even Marina, their star witness, recanted once she read the 26 vol H+E.  So, start from scratch without using it and then tell us what your 'destination' is.

> real reason conspiracy hobbyist go nowhere is because there really is
> nowhere for them to go.

The WCR begins and ends with the idea that LHO acted alone.  That is called circular reasoning.  That is a fallacy.  That is a good example of a dead end.

>Their article of faith is that Oswald was a patsy
> and that is what keeps them from making progress.

Untrue.  I start with the question, 'what part, if any, did LHO play?'
> > The emphasis is on discrediting the dissenter.
>   The bad arguments are known. The people who make the bad arguments are
> known. They might put a new spin on the same weak offerings but it`s just
> a different cut off the same dead horse.

That statement more accurately describes the WC defender position.
> > Of course, anyone who has no choice but to resort to fallacy is
> > demonstrating a very weak position.  So, we can infer that McAdams has had
> > to create a slanted field on aaj because he knows LHO did not act alone,
> > if at all, in the assassination.
>   Put a plausible scenario on the table that explains what is in evidence
> but Oswald is innocent. I haven`t seen one.
I don't have to.  All I need to do is demonstrate that LHO did not act alone.  He set off alarms in the intelligence agencies of three countries -- the US, USSR and Cuba.  That is all documented.  That destroys the thesis of the WCR.
> > If there is a silver lining, perhaps this is it.
>   You see things in a way you are comfortable with, reality be damned.

That's how I see the corner the WC defenders back themselves into.  They just don't realize it because they are not being trained to think for themselves imo.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/world$20gone$20mad$20to$20a$20teaparty/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/c06aQTc6SqcJ
> > Pamela Brown
> >

A McAdams Minion Springs into Action on aaj…:-0

BOZ said:
> Is it ok to reveal the Santa Claus secret?

I said:

And what would that be?  That there is no Santa Claus? I figured that out when I was three and we lived in an old victorian house in Bridgeport, CT.  The 'fireplace' in the 'music room' had a tiny chimney.  I knew at once nobody would be using it and that the cookies and milk were just for show..."Santa Claus" is a horrible trick to play on children.

Have you bothered to wonder what McAdams would call a student who claimed for 12 years that McAdams was a 'CT kook' even though McAdams repeatedly explained that he believes the WCR?  McAdams has doggedly refused to acknowledge my position on Judyth since 2003.  Would that be something a 'slow learner' might do? :-0!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/G7Jp0QHiZJw

How to Keep the 'Kooks' in Line -- Sandy McCroskey comes out swinging at Marsh...

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 2:30:10 PM UTC-6, Sandy McCroskey wrote:
> On 2/9/15 9:47 PM, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> >> "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> >> where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> >>
> >> Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> >> opinion is not well received.
> >>
> >> The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> >> for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read
> >> his
> >> posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> >>
> >> Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> >> worry about getting approval from John.
> >>
> >
> > But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> > McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does
> > not let the conspiracy believers defend themselves. He allows his
> > minions to call me a liar, but forbids me from calling anyone a liar.
> > One of your guys wanted to have McAdams BAN me because I pointed out
> > that he was wrong about something.
> >
> This is just a paranoid rant.

Only in Sandy's the rest of the world it is called 'another opinion.'

>McAdams doesn't "bring in" anybody, and
> you call people liars all the time, Marsh, by blatant innuendo.

Really?  Marsh has to be careful what he says or his posts are rejected.  Those of the WC defenders who call CTs 'liars' are not.  In addition, doesn't trying to dump strawmen on CTs and make them stick eerily equate to calling them 'liars' by 'blatant innuendo'?  If so, wouldn't that be the pot calling the kettle black?
> Now, if you want a level playing field, why don't you "bring in" some CTs
> who know how to evaluate evidence, who give proper weight to hard evidence
> (as opposed to, say, purported "witness" testimony that is decades old),
> and who can recognize when things are physically impossible and when
> theories are absolutely preposterous?

That is hilarious, from one who seems to have a challenge playing on a level field.  And also somewhat inappropriate from one who seems to have a penchant for developing complicated strawmen and then making demands that CTs answer from them...LOL...
> Instead, look at whom you've got on your side.

Well, reason, for one.
> It's not a level playing field at all, I'll grant you that.
> But, hey... that ain't the LNs' fault.
No it isn't.  LN's are trained to be 'sheeple'.  It is, however, the fault of anyone who understands critical thinking who then uses their influence to train people to be sheeple.!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4

Pamela Brown

A World Gone Mad…to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party? from aaj...

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 10:27:16 AM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> On 2/17/2015 9:06 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> >> On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> >>> "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> >>> where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> >>>
> >>> Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> >>> opinion is not well received.
> >>>
> >>> The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> >>> for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> >>> posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> >>>
> >>> Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> >>> worry about getting approval from John.
> >>>
> >>
> >> But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> >> McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> >> let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.
> >
> > In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for
> > how to bully dissenters.
> >
> Maybe it is just a CIA training exercise.[...]

To what end?  Simply to deny a truly open forum for the discussion of the JFK assassination or something more complex, such as trying to train people to think that if they question authority they are a loonie?

And how does research on Judyth fit into this?  What if McAdams had allowed her a really level field?  Would she then hoist herself onto/by/with her own petard?  If McAdams, with his influence here, had treated her with the utmost respect, and she turned on him with nothing tangible to complain about (no pilfered manuscript, no photo used without her permission, etc...) how persuasive would that have been for everyone?  Would that have helped or hurt his cause?!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/a$20world$20gone$20mad$20to$20a$20teaparty/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/ciwlYdw9ThsJ

Pamela Brown

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

McAdams and his bully-playground of aaj...

On Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 5:53:52 PM UTC-6, Lanny wrote:
> On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 11:17:45 PM UTC-5, David Von Pein wrote:
> > It would appear as if the kooks quoted above have reached a new zenith in
> > "kookdom". They want my basic right of being able to express an OPINION to
> > be obliterated.
> >
> > The freedoms of man have been turned completely topsy-turvy by those
> > conspiracy clowns. I find it hard to believe that even the wackiest of JFK
> > conspiracists could utter the things that Doyle and Yates uttered in the
> > quotes presented above.
> It's worse than you fear.  The same people who argue that JFK was killed
> by/or whose murderers were protected by a government conspiracy which has
> been in operation for over 50 years are now advocating that that same
> government should censor or prosecute you -- a person who has taken the
> position that the government is innocent of any wrong doing.

Not exactly so.  McAdams seems to have created a slanted field where dissenters are bullied.  The WC defenders are protected.  It is imo those who encourage people to *believe* them instead of reasoning things through for themselves are attempting to *censor* actual research.
> Now is that illogical, or what?

You just knocked down your own strawman.  You probably thought you made a cogent argument.  If McAdams had taught everyone critical thinking instead of how to use fallacies you might know that.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/a$20world$20gone$20mad/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/-eobWoCbrv4J

Pamela Brown

From 'A world gone mad' (to the Mad Hatter's tea party)/ on aaj...

On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:47:28 PM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> On 2/7/2015 5:25 PM, Marcus Hanson wrote:
> > "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line
> > where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people."
> >
> > Typical lefty comment - not in favour of censorship....UNLESS a contrary
> > opinion is not well received.
> >
> > The poster Albert Doyle was - IMO - "brought into line" by an ex-DPF-er
> > for straying from the CT orthodoxy. It's been a long time since I read his
> > posts,but after reproval,IIRC,he toed the line like a good boy.
> >
> > Here,we don't all have to agree on every point(even on the LN side) or
> > worry about getting approval from John.
> >
> But there is a big difference. There is no level playing field here.
> McAdams brings in minions to attack conspiracy believers and then does not
> let the conspiracy believers defend themselves.

In fact, it might be said that aaj is an experimental training ground for how to bully dissenters.

> He allows his minions to
> call me a liar, but forbids me from calling anyone a liar.

Well, the WC defenders are the 'more equal animals'.  The dissenters have to live with that.

>One of your
> guys wanted to have McAdams BAN me because I pointed out that he was wrong
> about something.

Sometimes it can be frustrating keeping those WC defender blinders firmly in place.

The irony, to me, is that is should not matter if one is a WC defender or dissenter. What matters is that one is able to posit a cogent argument about their position.  The slant McAdams imposes on this field seems to preclude that.  As a result, it is tough for a discussion to move forward.  The emphasis is on discrediting the dissenter.

Of course, anyone who has no choice but to resort to fallacy is demonstrating a very weak position.  So, we can infer that McAdams has had to create a slanted field on aaj because he knows LHO did not act alone, if at all, in the assassination.

If there is a silver lining, perhaps this is it.!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/a$20world$20gone$20mad/alt.assassination.jfk/mzA_VLgwfG4/-eobWoCbrv4J

Pamela Brown

McAdams' tactics are unmasked on aaj…link from my FJ blog…plus...

McAdams crawled out of the woodwork to attack me again.  This has been going on for a very long time.  Right from the start, when I told everyone I had an agreement with Judyth to keep an open mind on what she had to say until her book was published, McAdams took aim and went for the jugular.  One could almost hear the wheels churning inside his head as he tried to use the situation to his advantage to 'kill-two-birds'with'one'stone' so to speak.

Right from the start, McAdams was unable to debate me on a level field.  When I asked for one, in fact, he claimed I was 'whining'.  Instead, he hurled out one strawman after another, attempting to replace his false version of what I was doing with the actual facts.  He claimed I *believed* Judyth when he knew that was false.  He dogged my posts with lies.  Even now, he claims I was a *slow learner* about Judyth when he knows that is completely false -- that I stated my objective from the beginning and stuck to the process I said I was going to use.  Now I am reaping the benefits of doing that, and he is a sore looser.

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party is over.  And, with any luck, the process I used will have helped to 'kill two phonies with one stone' -- Judyth, the false witness, and McAdams, the false prof.

Maybe there is justice after all…

Monday, February 16, 2015

Poor MF on aaj is fed up...

MF said:
> Sorry, I've had enough.

Perfectly ok.  I understand...
> Seven years to finally decide what Baker is?

No.  When Judyth contacted me in 2003 and asked me to, in effect, join her group, I told her that I would keep an open mind until her manuscript was published.  The first version was published in 2007 and then I would research her claims.  When I brought info to aaj about her Phi Beta Kappa award at UF she blew up at me, claiming the book was "unauthorized".  I should have quit then.  But I patiently waited until her "authorized" Me and Lee came out in 2010.  When I told her our agreement was over, she said, "what agreement?"  She then sent an email to all her friends saying negative things about me, and sent me one saying, "who will believe you now".

But for me it wasn't a matter of deciding what Baker was as much as it was allowing her to demonstrate to me what she was firsthand.  The most significant thing I learned was not what she knew, but that she was vicious and hates Marina.  Nobody who was who she says she is could possibly hate Lee's widow or not want to protect his children.  That spoke volumes to me.
> ". . . I felt that my historical process was more or less ridiculed . . .
> I felt put into a very difficult position.  I don't think that should have
> happened."
> Are you listening to yourself?
How many people who say they are witnesses have you interviewed?

> ". . . so I complained to the Provosts at MU . . ."
> Way to go, Pamela. Try to turn in those who don't agree with you.

Sorry.  I am against harrassment wherever I encounter it.  I did the same thing with Fetzer.  He was later "retired" from UMD.  Perhaps that sort of thing doesn't bother you.
> "So, in spite of the fact that my experience here was a(t) times
> unpleasant and stressful . . ."
> What the hell?  Welcome to the real world.

aaj is not exactly the 'real world'.  At least not mine.  I am lucky to be surrounded by gentle people who happen to be educated and intelligent and know how to agree-to-disagree as well as how to form cogent arguments.  I post here because it is part of my commitment to what JFK said.  I have no interest in  posting here to be disrespected.
> When did you become a wimpy Teacher's Pet in an Age of Aquarius?  

Why do you say that?  Many profs found me really annoying.  One even tried to fail me for being 'too smart'.  Fortunately, there were a few  in the who mentored me.!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/G7Jp0QHiZJw


Poor Sandy…...

> > For your strawman?  Probably not.
> >
> > Another problem with WC defenders is that they seem to be taught that, not
> > only are they more 'patriotic' than the dissidents, but they are
> > 'smarter'.  The only catch is that they have not been taught how to think
> > critically.  Therefore, they have a tendency to fall into fallacies.
> > This post is a good example of that, imo.
> >
> > Pamela
> >
> There is a scarecrow convention going on in your mind, evidently, but it
> has nothing to do with anything I've written.

Wonder if Sandy might care to describe for the the rest of us what this *scarecrow convention* idea you have in his head might be?  Or what it might have to do with being able to think critically?

> Early in this same thread, this same Pamela Brown wrote: "I watched
> [Oswald] shot on live tv before my eyes as I was eating a tv dinner with
> my family in front of the tv that sunday morning. It made an indelible
> impression. I was convinced from that moment on that there was far more to
> the terrible and tragic assassination than one person acting alone."
> And just a bit later, here's Pamela: "The issue that is of concern to me
> is the the govt/Dallas *chose* to not protect LHO until he stood trial for
> the murder of JFK." (My emphasis.)
> Your Exhibit A for this was the lax security at the jail when Oswald was
> shot.
> So I have been asking if there is any evidence you can present for your
> claim that conspiratorial forces in the government were responsible for
> the lax security at (Curry's) jail.
> You could have just said, "No."
> /sandy

Sandy seems to have fallen prey to the fallacy of false alternatives.

What I was attempting to do was to get Sandy to demonstrate for us the possibility that there might be a connection between the lax security of Curry and the murder of LHO.  I was leading him to provide documentation for the call or calls that came from the FBI or the White House telling Curry to, by all and every means available, protect LHO.  Of course, there are none.

That is called a finesse.  I learned that from my Mother.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hurricane Pamela and Hurricane Katrina…aaj reply

On Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 8:37:08 AM UTC-6, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> On 2/13/2015 11:27 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> > Guess which is the first US orchestra to perform in Cuba since the
> > reestablishing of relations? Sandy's favorite:
> >
> >
> >
> > Just another curious coincidence?  Of course Sandy, who lives in NYC, and
> > has the dubious distinction of having the same name as the worst hurricane
> > ever to hit NYC, tends to be just a teeny bit sensitive to any odd
> > coincidences...
> >
> > Pamela :-)
> >
> What about Hurricane Pamela?

Interesting train of thought...

I didn't live in Guam in 1976, so the curious coincidence seems little more than in name.  Nor had I been there or anyone in my family that I know of. That storm did do a lot of damage though.

However, in another odd coincidence, I happened to be in NOLA the weekend the Garrison investigation broke in February, 1967.  That was interesting.  The place was a zoo.  I had no idea what to think.  By the time I returned to NYC, David Ferrie was dead. I thought that odd.  I did not know what to think of Garrison's investigation, as he was under such intense attack, but I did begin to wonder if there was might be some sort of connection between NOLA and the assassination.  That fascination has continued to this day.

Then, in 2005, another odd thing happened.  Ken Rahn decided to come to Minnesota and wanted to get together with me and my husband Donner. We had a very interesting day at the State Fair and dinner later.  That was the evening before Hurricane Katrina hit NOLA.  As I drove Ken to the airport the following morning, reports were starting to filter through that the situation might become even more dire than anticipated.

I had this odd thought that here we were -- a confirmed WC defender (who argues with great respect and knowledge, I might add, so we simply agreed-to-disagree on every issue and move on) a confirmed dissenter -- me-- and my husband, who is very objective about everything, gathered together on what was the eve of this historic storm.  As the levee broke and the 9th Ward was flooded, and the citizens were stuck in unimaginable horror, I found myself hoping that whatever poison there was from the assassination -- if there was -- was flushed out forever.

And then, oddly, I recalled a nickname my daughter had been called by one family member when she was little -- "Katrina, Katrina, ballerina."  (Her real name is Katherine, as was my Mother's).  Just odd...

Pamela Brown

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Just for Sandy…the worlds of the JFK assassination and "Monostatos" come together...

Guess which is the first US orchestra to perform in Cuba since the 
reestablishing of relations? Sandy's favorite: 

Just another curious coincidence?  Of course Sandy, who lives in NYC, and 
has the dubious distinction of having the same name as the worst hurricane 
ever to hit NYC, tends to be just a teeny bit sensitive to any odd 

Pamela :-) 

Just for Marsh -- Stop Stealing our Snow!

At first it was cute -- the odd coincidence of a storm hitting MA, where Marsh lives, on January 27th, Mozart's birthday, as Marsh pounds away at his pc trying to 'deny deny deny' any odd coincidence between "Minnesota" and "Monostatos".  In fact, the hardest hit town of "Juno" was "Marshfield, MA".

But by now you've also had Linus, Marcus, and now Neptune.  Over 7 feet of snow!  That's what we usually get in Minnesota. Right now, as I look out my window, there is barely a dusting of snow on the ground! An inch or two at most!

It's not funny anymore.  We are having a very wimpy winter here.  Just sprinkles of snow, and a bit of cold.  Minnesotans love snow and crave the cold.  In fact, the snowier the better.  The colder the better.  Knowing that we will have cold and SNOW is, in fact, how we manage to endure the other six months of warm and clement weather.

I've had enough of your stealing our snow...:-(

Cut it out...


PS My horse doesn't like this either...:-0

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Sandy-speak" at its best…aaj reply

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 2:27:27 PM UTC-6, Sandy McCroskey wrote:
> On 2/9/15 9:56 PM, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> > On 2/7/2015 5:11 PM, Sandy McCroskey wrote:
> >> On 2/6/15 11:41 PM, Anthony Marsh wrote:
> >>> On 2/5/2015 9:00 PM, Sandy McCroskey wrote:
> >>>> On 2/4/15 9:20 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> >>>>> On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 7:38:11 PM UTC-6, Sandy McCroskey
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> On 2/3/15 12:33 AM, Pamela Brown wrote:
> >>>>>>> Last week, McCroskey and Marsh marched forward with their "deny,
> >>>>>>> deny,
> >>>>>>> deny" theory that there *could* be absolutely no connection between
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>> term *Monostatos* coined in 1791 in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute
> >>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>> "Minnesota", a state which did not exist until the 1800's, much less
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>> "Minnesota" Orchestra which did not exist until its name was
> >>>>>>> changed in
> >>>>>>> 1968.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> We were only pointing out what is obvious to everyone on the planet
> >>>>>> besides Pamela Brown.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> False.  Do you really think anyone believes McCroskey, who undoubtedly
> >>>>> has
> >>>>> so much else on his plate, would go out of his way for over two weeks
> >>>>> for
> >>>>> something that he sincerely believes *only* affects one person on the
> >>>>> planet?
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Why not?
> >>>> It takes just a few minutes to read your posts and even less to
> >>>> respond,
> >>>> Pamela.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Surely McCroskey recalls when he decided to jump into the
> >>>>> conversation? It
> >>>>> happened during a discussion of libel, the moment a 200M arts
> >>>>> organization
> >>>>> was mentioned...
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I have the feeling you are trying to imply that I am mixed up that
> >>>> situation in some way.
> >>>>
> >>>> Yet I have no doubt that absolutely nobody in that arts
> >>>> organization, or
> >>>> the Minnesota Orchestra, or in the state of Minnesota, or in Mozart
> >>>> studies gives a damn about the silly ideas you've expressed here. If
> >>>> you
> >>>> have made your theories known, I am sure you have found nobody who
> >>>> takes
> >>>> them seriously. Although crazier things have been known to happen, for
> >>>> sure, and history has recorded many strange cults.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Then why have people written articles, books and movies about Mozart
> >>> being killed?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Talk about a non sequitur. Downright surreal. As in "How many
> >> surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" "Fish."
> >>
> >> Marsh, do you think Mozart's being killed, if he was, had anything to do
> >> with the Minnesota Orchestra, the state of Minnesota or the selection by
> >> Ms. Brown's parents of her first name?
> >>
> >
> > I said I don't think he was killed.
> >
> What difference does that make?
> I'm saying that the prior conspiracy theories about Mozart's death,
> whatever you think about them (who cares?), clearly have nothing to do
> with Pamela Brown's fantasies.
> >> I don't! Call me skeptical...
> >>
> >
> > I'll call you what Brian Williams said he is. He denies lying and said
> > he just CONFLATED the events. So he's a conflationist. You conflated
> > what Pamela said with what I said. So likewise you are a conflationist.
> > I think you guys have your own lodge.
> >
> You are as confused as you usually are these days.
> I said you brought up something irrelevant to Pamela's wild imaginings.
> That is the farthest thing from conflating the two.
> And I think you must have just learned the word "conflate" recently,
> because you have been using it every chance you get.
> > So you are attacking me because I attacked Pamela? What a gentleman.
> >
> Another non sequitur. Your special talent.
> I said I am sure nobody takes Pamela's notions seriously, and you said,
> "Then why have people written articles, books and movies about Mozart
> being killed?"
> If you were attacking Pamela, you must have been doing it in some kind
> of code that only she can read.

Is this another example of "Sandy-logic"?  Care to clarify?

BTW, may I ask, with all due respect, just what color the sky is in Sandy's world today? :-0!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/Y1-ZanfSGFo%5B301-325-false%5D

OT post on aaj…"Just for Sandy"…(I just couldn't help myself…) :-0

Guess which is the first US orchestra to perform in Cuba since the reestablishing of relations?
Sandy's favorite:

Just another curious coincidence?  Of course Sandy, who lives in NYC, and has the dubious distinction of having the same name as the worst hurricane ever to hit NYC, tends to be just a teeny bit sensitive to any odd coincidences...

Pamela :-)

The Frustration of McAdams…aaj reply to being down...

On Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:13:41 PM UTC-6, John McAdams wrote:
> I still can't get into the mailbox at, which means that no
> messages are getting reposte for the moment.
> Doubtless there will be a big backlog when mail comes up.
> In the meantime, let me suggest that you not post anything unless you
> actually have information about the assassination that you wish to
> share.
> The petty bickering has gotten really tiresome.
> Any let me suggest you continue with that practice when reposting
> comes back up.
> .John
> -----------------------

With all due respect, and with all joking aside, it might be beneficial if there were to be guidelines for posting.  Here are a few suggestions:

1 --  If you have failed to persuade your opponent after three tries, simply agree-to-disagree and move on.

2 -- Whenever possible, provide a cite or link or reference so that there is some objective evidence to discuss.

3 -- Your job is to persuade your adversary, not bully them into submission.

4 -- Try to avoid fallacies of logic, or, when one has been pointed out, apologize/acknowledgee and reframe.

Nudging posters in this direction might save on bandwidth, not to mention your time.  It does run the risk, however, that everyone might actually learn how to think critically.  Were that to happen, aaj just might implode. :-0


Sandy's Strawman Redux…from aaj...

SM gratuitously said:
> >
> Let's go over this again, Pamela, carefully.
Does Mr. McCroskey actually understand how to do that?  WC defenders are not taught critical thinking, so this will be interesting...
> I said: "You have no *evidence* that Oswald was guarded laxly
> deliberately."
> You said: "I have ample evidence.  Have you taken a look at the footage of
> LHO's murder?  Just where was any 'security'?  He was led, handcuffed,
> into a garage full of press and who knows who else? Anything could have
> happened there.  Curry was given ample warning ahead of time.
> That's when I asked you the logical question: "So you are accusing Curry
> of being part of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy, and frame Oswald? That's
> why he had to let Oswald be killed?"
If Mr. McCroskey thinks that is a 'logical question' he has, as my Mother would say, 'another think coming.'  That is imo an illogical jump.  Curry WAS given ample warning, in the form of endless death threats against LHO on his home phone.  What did Curry do? He took his phone off the hook.  When Curry arrived at the DPD Sunday morning he was informed of the calls to them.  What did he do?  Did he say, 'Whoa Nelly!  How can we safely move this man if other people such as the press are around?  We need to re-think this.'  No, he did not.  He went ahead with his original plan and LHO was killed.

> Now you say that you were not implying that Curry was part of the
> conspiracy that you believe existed.

Show me one word I have posted in this thread that shouts to you that I was
implying Curry was a part of a conspiracy that I invented or back off.  In fact, you have made two illogical accusations here  imo -- (1) that I am implying Curry was a part of a conspiracy and (2) that I invented a conspiracy that I happen to *believe*.
> This leaves the question open: How do you think The Conspiracy assured
> that Oswald would be guarded laxly?

I have not posted anything about this.  Here you have demonstrated a false axiom with a false corollary.  You did this.  Are you able to perceive that?
> As we know, Curry was in charge of the security. So how could The
> Conspiracy know that the security would be lacking and would allow Oswald
> to be murdered, since Curry wasn't part of The Conspiracy?

A false conclusion based on a false axiom and false corollary.  It's all yours.
> Do you have a plausible, concrete answer for that?

For your strawman?  Probably not.

Another problem with WC defenders is that they seem to be taught that, not only are they more 'patriotic' than the dissidents, but they are 'smarter'.  The only catch is that they have not been taught how to think critically.  Therefore, they have a tendency to fall into fallacies.  This post is a good example of that, imo.

> Thanks.
> /sandy [...]

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

McCroskey's email…why is he trying to destroy an opera?

On Feb 7, 2015, at 2:45 PM, Pamela Brown wrote:

You seem to be missing the point, in that I am warning you from my own experience as to what has happened to many, if not most of those who have libeled me and threatened me as you are doing.  That is very different from making a threat.  I will promise you that if you continue in this vein, you could end up part of the libel suit. I hope that doesn't happen. That is not my intent in trying to communicate with you. 

Who would be suing me, if not you?

*My lawyers, obviously.  I am sorry that I feel it necessary to speak in such a harsh vein.  However, you seem to have real trouble setting limits and boundaries.  I am speaking up to define them.  

Or trying to sue me.
I have not libeled you.

*You are in denial if you think that you do not libel me.  The latest insinuation on aaj was that I use aliases.  That is false and you know it.  I may use a handle but I always use my name as well.  You have posted on aaj for a long time and have replied to my posts, so you are well aware of this. 

*Why do you feel compelled to try to discredit me?  Simply because you are dealing with something you can't pidgeonhole and put in a box? What sort of gentleman does that? Only a bully who is unable to argue on level ground would be comfortable with that imo.

I could have let you hoist yourself on your own petard, knowing what I know, and have just made money off of your libelous posts and emails in a libel suit, but I am instead doing what I can to reach out to do what I can to help you understand the seriousness of your actions.  You have made statements, even though in ridicule, such as referencing a 'voice from 200 years ago', and 'a musical messiah', which indicate that you do understand what you are doing. 

I am totally in the dark about what you believe about a "voice from 200 years ago" or "a musical messiah."
I was describing what you seemed to me you were talking about. I never claimed to understand in detail the alternate reality you have apparently constructed.

*If you had no intent to defame, why do you find it necessary to repeatedly make insinuations and false allegations?  Why not let go and move on? Do you know this person I call "Monostatos"?  Do you know that person's relative at Marquette U?  Do you have a personal connection to this situation in some way? Otherwise, your prolonged attacks make no sense.

*Now you posit an "alternate reality you have apparently constructed" without even bothering to acknowledge the frame of reference for the conversation that I set up right at the start -- namely, that I am talking about an OPERA, The Magic Flute, and discussing possible references and odd coincidences that might be connected to it.  Do you even remember that?

That is called an art.  You have no room in your mindset, apparently, for the arts, do you? Do you decry movies and TV shows because you alone have determine they are 'not real'? How about theater?   Your knee-jerk reaction is to try to block what I am saying.  Why not simply acknowledge that you are out of your comfort zone and move on?  What will you gain by trying to destroy an opera? It has nothing to do with you.  

As a matter of fact, you tossed out your 'diagnosis' of schizophrenia. I was just stunned when I read that. Perhaps you are psychic,

No, but I've read a lot about the subject.
I have also had some personal experience with both so-called schizophrenics and schizophrenic states (though it's been a while).
My favorite philosopher is Gilles Deleuze, who wrote, with FĂ©lix Guattari, the two volumes ofCapitalisme et Schizophrenie.
Earlier on, I read, as I said, lots of Jung. Do you know the work of R.D. Laing? Or Kate Millett?
The last thing you want to do is wind up in the clutches of shrink who lobotomizes with meds.

*I do my best to try to help those who take offense and me and what I say.  I will do the same for you.  You can heed what I say or not.

as that has been the diagnosis of some, including the one still left at the MO, who tried to discredit me and are still living.  I don't know what else I can do to be of help to you.  I can honestly say that from my standpoint the aisles of Orchestra Hall are already full of the corpses who act as you do.  Why would I want there to be any more? 

Thanks for your concern, Pamela.
I'll take my chances.

*You have my best wishes...